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Q1 | 2024

Performance Reporting

Otonabee Conservation's performance objectives guide us to fulfill our mandated programs and services.

The Board of Directors approved the 2024 Performance Objectives, which align with the budget cycle. The Performance Objectives are reported to the Board quarterly.

Status Legend

Not started yet
On schedule / budget
Behind schedule / over budget

Use the Status Legend to follow along and see how Otonabee Conservation is progressing.

Natural Hazard Protection Program


Activity Objective Status

Deliver the Authority’s permitting responsibilities, ensuring compliance to Ontario Regulation 167/06 and related policies, timely customer service and appropriate enforcement action.

Meet the Authority’s delegated responsibility to represent the provincial interest in natural hazards through timely engagement with member municipalities in the review of applications under the Planning Act.

Receive, review and issue 250-325 permits and achieve service standards (timelines) 95% of the time.  
Receive, review and comment on 325 to 350 Planning Act applications for natural hazard matters.  
Receive, review and comment on 5 to 10 studies under the Environmental Assessment Act.  
Respond to 25 to 50 legal inquiries.  
NEW Undertake review and update of the Watershed Planning & Regulation Policy Manual as a result of legislative/regulatory changes.  



Activity Objective Status

Acquire and manage information about natural hazard areas.

NEW Undertake 1 to 2 floodplain mapping studies.  
Undertake communications initiatives to inform stakeholders of new mapping, work with municipalities to have the mapping adopted in official plans. Obtain Board approval to incorporate the new mapping in the Authority’s permitting activities.  
Receive, review and comment on 5 to 10 studies under the Environmental Assessment Act.  
Inventory and evaluate all flood plain mapping currently on file and prepare and put in place a program for acquiring and/or updating mapping and managing information about natural hazard areas. Participate in partnership with MNRF for new aerial photos.  



Activity Objective Status

Operate a flood forecasting and warning system to ensure residents and municipalities are aware of potential flood related events in a timely manner, and during storm events support municipally led emergency response.


Monitor watershed conditions to detect low water conditions and support the Low Water Response Team to respond to low water events.


Deliver water safety and natural hazard related education programs.


NEW Develop and implement an ice management plan (Provincial Directive).


Complete a comprehensive mandated dam management plan (carry over).



Operate and maintain 8 meteorological monitoring stations, and 2 snow stations and supporting data/information management applications.  
Issue flood messages as required – annual average is 25.  
Coordinate local Low Water Response Team.  
Deliver the Spring Water Awareness Program to schools throughout the watershed.  
NEW Ice management plans are completed.  
Dam management plan are completed for 8 dams.  


Conservation Lands Management Program


Activity Objective Status


Manage and maintain land owned by the Authority for natural heritage and hazard protection.

Prepare a Conservation Area Strategy (Reg 686/21) which includes overarching objectives, operations and policies for the acquisition and disposition for all Authority owned lands.  
Manage and maintain properties in accordance with Section 29 Regulations. Undertake actions and projects that address incidents of encroachment/trespass and unauthorized activities (compliance program).  
NEW Monitor activities on properties as outlined in the Managed Forest Tax Plan as per the requirements of the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program.  
Undertake land management activities on lands owned by the Authority for recreation purposes. Maintain property, amenities and infrastructure for outdoor recreation activities (i.e., hiking, biking, geo-caching, nature viewing, boating, picnicking, hunting, fishing, swimming and issuing various permits) at Harold Town; Miller Creek; Gannon's Narrows; Imagine the Marsh; Jackson Creek Trail; Selwyn Beach.  
NEW Repair drainage issues on Jackson Creek Trail.  
NEW Construct accessible beach entrance trail at Selwyn Beach CA.  
NEW Warsaw Caves CA capital improvements such as install a guardrail fencing at lookout, install trail flash marking signage on hiking trails.  
NEW Signage Update - Warsaw Caves trailhead signage and interior road directional signage.  
Continue partnerships and agreements with community groups who provide services and support operations.  



Activity Objective Status

Operate 3 campgrounds for group, public and seasonal camping. Includes canoe rentals and retails sales (i.e. ice, firewood, etc.).


Renew contract with the City of Peterborough for the operations of Beavermead Campground.

Operate the regular, group and seasonal campgrounds from May 10 to October 14, 2024 (157 nights) for Beavermead, Warsaw and Lakefield campgrounds.  
NEW Contract is renewed with City of Peterborough.  


Watershed Management Program


Activity Objective Status
Develop a watershed-based resource management strategy as per O. Reg 687/21 by December 31, 2024. Initiate the development of a watershed-based resource management strategy to ensure the programs and services of Otonabee Conservation address or manage local watershed triggers, issues and risks.  
Implement provincial surface water quality & groundwater quantity monitoring programs. Participate in the Provincial Water Quality Monitoring Network by collecting surface water samples at 16 locations during the ice free season.  
Participate in the Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network by maintaining 11 groundwater monitoring wells and collecting water quantity manual measurement three (3) times annually and water quality samples once (1) annually.  
Implement local water monitoring activities. Collect additional surface water quality data using biolgoical, chemical and physical indicators to support the preparation of the Watershed Report Card every 5 years. Activities will include participation in the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network, and collection of surface water samples at four (4) locations monthly during ice-free season.  

Implement the policies of the Trent Source Protection Plan and meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act for those obligations that have been assigned to Otonabee Conservation for implementation.

Support municipalities in the Otonabee-Peterborough Source Protection Authority to implement the policies of the Trent Source Protection Plan and meet the requirements of the Clean Water Act.

Provide administrative support to the Otonabee-Peterborough Source Protection Authority and effective liaison with the Source Protection Committee in order to meet the obligations under the Trent Source Protection Plan and the Clean Water Act.




Coordinate Source Protection Authority meetings, minutes and administration (2-3 meetings per year).  
Complete annual reporting requirements.  
Meet policy and legislative requirements.  
Effective liaison and support as required with the Source Protection Committee and Trent Conservation Coalition Source Protection Region.  

Fulfill the Authority’s obligations outlined in the agreements with municipalities to:

- enforce Part IV of the Clean Water Act through activities of the Risk Management Office and to ensure compliance with the Trent Source Protection Plan and the Clean Water Act.





Active files in response to inquiries, applications, threat assessments, information requests and pre-consultation.  
Complete negotiation of risk management plans as required.  
Receive and review 30 to 40 Section 59 applications and issue notices as required.  

Support municipalities to implement and enforce the Clean Water Act and Trent Source Protection Plan policies.


NEW Update and negotiate agreements with municipalities for the services of the Risk Management Office, and the ongoing delivery of an Education and Outreach Program.

Complete annual reporting requirements.  



Activity Objective Status
Support landowners to undertake land restoration and stewardship activities on their lands that enhances the natural environment. Facilitate 5 to 10 stewardship projects, including tree planting projects, with a variety of partners (i.e., municipalities, service groups, etc.)  
Offer the Tree Seedling Sale Program  
At the request of member municipalities, undertake post-development monitoring programs and other research and technical studies. Undertake 1-3 post-development monitoring programs  



Activity Objective Status
Foster awareness of the watershed environment and watershed health. Support local citizen science initiatives through collaboration and partnerships.  
Support environmental education through a variety of experiential learning opportunities. Deliver 10-15 experiential learning activities in school-settings to support K-12 curriculum (i.e. Yellow Fish Road, Pathway to Stewardship, Peterborough Children's Water Festival etc.).  
Deliver 5-10 experiential learning activities in non-school settings (i.e. Bondar Challenge, Public Library, Zoo Conservation Exhibit, Tree Canopy Day).  
Implement local water monitoring activities. Collect additional surface water quality data using biological, chemical and physical indicators to support the preparation of the Watershed Report Card every 5 years. Activities will include participation in the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network, and collection of surface water samples at four (4) locations monthly during ice-free season.  
Provide experiential learning placements for secondary and post-secondary students from local high schools, Fleming College and Trent University.  

Support landowners to undertake land restoration and stewardship activities on their lands that enhances the natural environment.

Respond to requests/inquiries for advice and technical support (approx. 25 annually).  


Corporate Services


Activity Objective Status
Support the Board of Directors in exercising its governance responsibilities and meeting its legislated responsibilities Hold the legally required number of meetings, including an annual meeting, conduct an election of officers and make the necessary annual appointments and resolutions.  
Ensure that legislative reporting requirements are met.  
Produce audited financial statements for 2023  
Agenda packages, meeting minutes and other materials are posted in accordance with legislative requirements.  
Provide administrative and support services for the efficient and effective operation of the Authority (i.e. payroll, purchasing, financial, human resources, IT, GIS, vehicle, equipment and facility management). Prepare for Board approval an operating & capital budget for 2024 that conforms with O. Reg 402/21  
Develop an Asset Management Plan (carry over).  
Provide the Board with quarterly financial and activity update.  
Provide communications & marketing services Produce the 2023 Annual Report.  
Continue to nurture our relationship with the media to obtain positive media coverage about the Authority’s programs, services, and activities.  
Transition E-newsletter subscribers to new website subscription service and increase social media and web users  
NEW Develop an external fundraising strategy which includes grant opportunities, sponsorship and donations to support projects and programs. Collaboration between staff from different program areas  


Organizational Excellence


Activity Objective Status
Continue to provide leadership and implement the Otonabee Conservation Climate Change Strategy Implement action items as identified in implementation plan and publish biennial report card to track accomplishments and implementation status.  
Develop and initiate methodology for data collection and analysis to quantify future impacts of climate change on floodplain mapping.  
NEW Participate and sharing information on the Peterborough Public Health Climate Change Committee  
Support and encourage Otonabee Conservation Green Team initiatives  
Advance the Authority’s relationship with the Indigenous people and communities of Treaty #20 and Williams Treaty. In a meaningful way, engage with, partner with, our Indigenous communities.  

Enhance the Authority’s use of technology to better connect, communicate, share information, and deliver services.

Implement a new website

NEW Update GIS mapping to reflect changes to the Natural Hazards Protection Program to ensure legislative compliance. Ensure regulated area mapping and flood plain mapping available to the public on-line via web-based GIS.  
Increase access to external and internal services. Continue to transfer accessible materials to the website for compliance with the required level of AODA accessibility (pending 2025) as per WCAG 2.0 Level AA Guidelines. Reduce carbon footprint and the reliance on paper-based. Increase online services and web payments and self service options.  

Community event and partnership.

NEW Celebrate Warsaw Caves 60th Anniversary.  

Undertake initiatives to improve stakeholder outreach and communications, and customer service.

Conduct customer survey initiatives for all program and service areas to inform improvements.  

NEW Develop an internal Business Continuity Plan.

NEW Ensure a plan is in place to protect and mitigate risks and lost in services and programs such as technology systems, cross training and business processes.  

Maintain a healthy and safe workplace.

NEW Ensure staff, contractors, volunteers have the required training, knowledge and support. Develop a H&S Program.  


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