Minor – An application is determined to be “Minor” where there is low risk of impact on a natural hazard or natural features and no technical letters or studies are required.
Intermediate – An application is determined to be “Intermediate” where there is moderate risk of impact on natural hazards or natural features and/or the review of a single technical report/plan (e.g., Environmental Impact Study, Floodplain Analysis, Stormwater Management Plan) is required.
Major – An application is determined to be “Major” where risk to natural hazard and natural features is high and/or the review of 2 or more technical reports/plans (e.g., Environmental Impact Study, Floodplain Analysis, Stormwater Management Plan) is required.
- Formal Proposal Inquiries (Proposal Inquiry and Natural Hazard Assessment application) include one site visit by regulations staff and are subject to the base fee, plus additional Technical Review Fee (where applicable). If technical staff are required to attend the site, the time and amount will be agreed upon with the applicant prior to the site visit.
- Applicants and/or municipalities are encouraged to consult with staff prior to submission of all applications to determine the extent and nature of information required to deem the application complete and, to determine the appropriate fee.
- Application fees must be paid at the time of filing an application. A permit will not be issued unless the application fee has been submitted.
- Otonabee Conservation reserves the right to modify or adjust fees should the review require a substantially greater level of review and/or assessment.
- Where an application is made and determined not to be subject to S. 28 Regulation, the application fee will be refunded less a $105 administrative fee.
- Permits granted by staff are valid for a maximum of 24 months. Permit extensions or renewals will not be granted. Applicants may re-apply for the reissuance of a new permit for the original approved works in accordance with most recent technical requirements.
- Projects with multiple components will be subject to only the higher of the application fees, not the aggregated amount.
- Fees for permit applications requiring technical review are based on the initial submission and two resubmissions. Submissions beyond those three will be reviewed and charged at the hourly technical review rate.
- Otonabee Conservation reserves the right to increase fees without notice to address year to year increases that may occur from inflationary increases in operating costs.
- Peer review fees will be recovered when a report contains information that is beyond the scope of Otonabee Conservation’s in-house expertise or come to a third-party resolution where there is conflict.
- Permit Amendment fees are based on the fee in place at the time the amendment request is made. Permit amendment fees for Large Fill are not subject to a $600 cap.
- A File Reactivation fee is charged for applications that have been dormant for over one year. File Reactivation fees are based on the fee in place at the time of reactivation.
- All studies submitted to Otonabee Conservation for review become the property of the Authority and the information may be used by Otonabee Conservation and its member municipalities. For members of the public to view any studies, plans and reports related to a permit, a formal request under the Municipal Freedom of Information Protection and Privacy Act, PRSO 1990, c M. 56 is required. Access is subject to statutory exemptions.