Online Inquiries
Do you know if your property is regulated by ORCA?
Were you told to contact us when submitting a Building Permit Application?
The first step is to fill out an Online Inquiry Form.
Submit a form if you are looking to:
- Find out whether ORCA regulates a property you wish to buy, sell, or list for sale
- Get a map of your property that shows regulated areas and hazards (i.e. floodplains and wetlands)
- Carry out any development on a property you are buying
- Build a new home on a vacant lot
- Add a structure to an already developed lot
- Fix erosion issues on your shoreline
- Install an entrance or culvert in a watercourse
- Ask about another issue that you would like information or feedback on
NOTE: The Inquiry Form submissions are placed in a queue. You will receive a response from our staff with next steps within 3-5 business days.
Emails to individual staff are not recommended.
Certain activities do not require a permit. These exceptions are listed in Ontario Regulation 41/24.
Contact Us
Administrative Assistant,
Plan Review & Permitting Services,
Otonabee Conservation
250 Milroy Drive
Peterborough, ON K9H 7M9
Voice: 705-745-5791 ext. 230
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