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Review of Planning Applications

Otonabee Conservation (ORCA) is mandated under provincial regulation to help member municipalities in our watershed fulfill their land-use planning responsibilities.

We ensure that new development proposals are not affected by natural hazards, such as flooding, We also ensure that natural hazards are not negatively affected by new development.

Natural hazards include lands susceptible to flooding or erosion and areas of unstable soils or bedrock, including wetlands and significant valleylands.

ORCA ensures that new development proposals conform with provincial policy related to natural hazards. We regulate development close to hazardous features like wetlands through our permit application process.

We also provide comment through our role under the Clean Water Act.

What types of Planning Act applications are sent to ORCA for review?

ORCA reviews policy and planning documents with our municipalities for approval under the Planning Act.

Planning applications typically circulated to Otonabee Conservation for review and comment include:

  • Official Plan Amendments
  • Zoning By-law Amendments
  • Plans of Subdivision and Plans of Condominium
  • Consents (severances)
  • Minor Variances
  • Site Plans

We encourage you to contact us and your municipality for a pre-consultation if you are planning any development that requires an application under the Planning Act.

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