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  • 2024-2027 Draft Strategic Plan for Review/ Comment

    Otonabee Conservation Board and staff are pleased to provide a first draft of a new Strategic Plan for your review and input.

    Review the Draft Strategic Plan and please send you comments to Janette Loveys Smith, CAO/Secretary-Treasurer at or 705-745-5791 by Monday, January 29, 2024.

    The final draft will include the other relevant sections, will be formatted, and designed accordingly. 

  • 125 trees planted on National Tree Day

    25 community volunteers and staff from Peterborough Humane Society and Otonabee Conservation planted 125 native trees and shrubs at the Peterborough Humane Society Animal Care Centre.

Contact Us

250 Milroy Drive
Peterborough, ON K9H 7M9
Voice: 705-745-5791
Fax: 705-745-7488

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